Enriching Jewish Life in Wellington
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Chag kosher v’sameach!
Summer holiday hours 2018/2019
High Holidays hours
Kosher Kiwi update (May 2018)
Kosher Kiwi alert: Sanitarium products no longer recommended
Kosher Kiwi update (October 2017)
Chag Sukkot Sameach!
A gut yohr!
A kosher und freilichen Pesach!
Kosher Kiwi update (March 2017)
Summer holiday hours 2016/2017
Kosher Kiwi update (October 2016)
Kosher Kiwi visitor’s guide (March 2016)
Summer holiday hours 2015/2016
Kosher Co-op hours update
Office and Co-op closed for Shavuot
Kosher Co-op returns to normal hours